Jaime’s Dream: From Apprentice to Master. (Activity To Practice Reading Comprehension, Social And Life Skills For Autistic Children)


This material is designed to help autistic children develop reading comprehension skills, social skills, and life skills through the story “Jaime’s Dream: From Apprentice to Master.” Through reading, children learn about Jaime’s perseverance in overcoming challenges and his dedication to becoming a math teacher. The included reading comprehension questions allow them to reflect on the story and its lessons. Additionally, examples of role-playing games are presented for children to practice what they have learned, fostering social interaction and communication. These role-playing games allow children to interpret different characters and situations, helping them improve their verbal fluency, thought organization, and anxiety management in various social situations. Active participation in these games also teaches children the importance of patience, clarity in communicating ideas, and adapting to the needs of others—crucial skills for their personal and social development.


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