Connor’s World: Understanding Autism. (Activity to practice reading comprehension and to educate other children about autism)


“El Mundo de Connor: Understanding Autism” is an exceptional educational material designed to teach children about autism and enhance their reading comprehension skills. Through the story of Connor, an autistic child, readers learn how daily routines, sensory experiences, social interactions, and emotional responses can be different for autistic individuals. Connor faces various challenges, such as adjusting to a change in his breakfast, feeling overwhelmed in his art class, and struggling to interact with other children during recess. However, with the support of his mother, his teacher, Mrs. López, and his peers, especially Lucas, Connor learns to navigate these situations.

This story not only educates about autism but also promotes empathy and understanding among children. By presenting reading comprehension questions at the end of each section, children are encouraged to reflect on Connor’s experiences, enhancing their ability to understand and support those who may experience the world differently. Additionally, interactive activities, like completing conversations in drawings related to the story, and role-playing games, provide an opportunity for children to apply what they have learned in a creative and meaningful way. This comprehensive approach not only improves reading comprehension but also fosters inclusion, acceptance, and respect for individual differences.


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