Short comment and another follow-up comment to keep the conversation going.(Worksheets To Teach Conversations Skills To Autistic Children )


This educational material is specifically designed to assist children in developing their conversation skills. It introduces the concept of ‘follow-up comments’, which are responses made after someone has said something to you. These comments are crucial in sustaining a conversation and showing the other person that their words are valued.

The material encourages children to not only respond directly to what’s been said but also add an additional comment or question. This could be sharing something about themselves, or asking for more information, hence creating a dynamic, two-way conversation.


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The material includes practical examples of conversations between two children, Juan and Ana, demonstrating how these two-part responses work in real-life situations. It also provides a set of conversation scenarios for practice, inviting children to respond to a variety of statements with two comments of their own.

In the end, it encourages children to apply these skills in their everyday interactions, promoting a more interactive and enjoyable communication experience. This is a useful tool in enhancing the conversation abilities of children with autism, aiding them in expressing themselves and connecting with others more effectively.


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