Let’s learn to say NO!. (Activity Worksheets For Teaching Social Skills To Autistic Children)


In this worksheet, “Learning to Say NO!”, we aim to empower autistic children with the tools to understand and practice the importance of consent in social interactions. This guide provides a deep-dive into situations where one should feel comfortable asserting a ‘NO’, in the context of personal space, emotions, and physical interactions. We also stress the importance of respecting others’ ‘NO’. Multiple scenarios, including peer and adult interactions, are covered, offering the opportunity to think about, write and role-play responses. Equally important, we address the balance of consent, acknowledging that it’s okay to say ‘YES’ when you feel safe and happy. Each exercise is designed to help the children understand their rights, develop confidence, and communicate effectively. We hope this material serves as a comprehensive, valuable tool in their journey to master essential social skills.


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