Sanaa Hiremath, an 11 years old girl with Autism, wins the Guinness record for the largest mental arithmetic multiplication

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Sanaa Hiremath, is an 11-year-old girl who has Autism. She has a great aptitude for math, she can solve almost any math problem just using her head, and that has led to her winning a Guinness Record title. 

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Brief Summary – TL;DR

Sanaa Hiremath is an 11-year-old girl who has Autism. Like other girls of her age, she likes to play outside and watch videos on her iPad, but she has a great ability; she can solve almost any math problem just by using her head.“They tested her in math,” Uday, Sanaa’s father, said. “They gave her a pencil and paper and told her to write from 1 to 20 and she couldn’t because she couldn’t hold the pencil. She has poor motor skills.” She is now home schooled, by her mother Priya.A pediatrician was in awe of her abilities and specifically how fast the girl could perform multiplication. They wondered if anyone else could do what Sanaa was able to do. The answer seemed to be “no”.To win the title, a program generated two 6-digit (12) random numbers for her to multiply and completed the task in less than 10 minutes. Thanks to her ability to solve multiplication problems so quickly, she has earned the Guinness World Record title for the largest mental arithmetic multiplication.She was not allowed to be in the room when the numbers were chosen and had to be blindfolded on the way to the test room.“I don’t think she has limitations,” Uday said. “Six digits, seven digits” …He said that her only limitation is her difficulty with expressing her-self through words.Priya and Uday said that although her ability surpasses that of an 11-year-old girl, they did not want to advance her due to her communication skills.They plan to continue working with her to improve the areas in which she struggles. â€śSanaa has worked every day of her life to pull herself up to where she is now. Whether it is her speech, gross and fine motor skills, and every thing we take for granted in our daily lives, she has worked hard for all of those. She is now able to do things which were considered impossible during her early childhood.” 


Sanaa Hiremath an 11-year-old girl, won the Guinness World Record title for the largest mental arithmetic multiplication.Hiremath has Autism and can perform the multiplication of large numbers without a calculator, pen, or paper.Sanaa had to multiply two 6-digit (12) numbers in less than 10 minutes to win the title.She can solve math problems at the level of an engineering student at MIT.“Sanaa has worked every day of her life to pull herself up to where she is now. Whether it is her speech, gross and fine motor skills, and every thing we take for granted in our daily lives, she has worked hard for all of those. She is now able to do things which were considered impossible during her early childhood.”This news shows us how wonderful the mind of a person with autism can be.Many children with autism have incredible mathematical ability.Let’s not get discouraged and push forward. Many of our children can go very far.  

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