Sensory difficulties in autistic people

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Understanding the sensory experiences of autistic individuals can be essential in supporting your child’s needs and improving their quality of life. Autistic people may experience sensory processing differently than others, meaning they can be more sensitive (hypersensitive) or less sensitive (hyposensitive) to various stimuli, such as sounds, lights, smells, tastes, and textures.

Hypersensitivity can cause certain stimuli to feel overwhelming or even painful, leading to sensory overload and potentially triggering meltdowns or other coping behaviors. On the other hand, hyposensitivity might result in a need for increased sensory input or a lack of response to stimuli that would typically elicit a reaction.

As a parent, it’s important to recognize your child’s unique sensory profile and consider how it may impact their daily life. Some strategies to help manage your child’s sensory experiences include:

Identifying triggers: Observe your child’s reactions to different stimuli to determine which ones might be causing discomfort or stress. This understanding can help you anticipate and mitigate potential challenges.

Modifying the environment: Make adjustments to your child’s surroundings to reduce exposure to problematic stimuli, such as dimming lights, using noise-cancelling headphones, or providing sensory-friendly clothing.

Creating a sensory toolkit: Equip your child with tools they can use to self-regulate when they feel overwhelmed, such as stress balls, fidget toys, or weighted blankets.

Incorporating sensory breaks: Encourage your child to take breaks throughout the day, where they can engage in calming activities or enjoy preferred sensory experiences, such as listening to music or spending time in a quiet space.

Collaborating with professionals: Work with occupational therapists, psychologists, or other specialists who can provide guidance on sensory strategies tailored to your child’s needs.


Each autistic child is unique, and their sensory needs may change over time. By being attentive to your child’s sensory experiences and adapting your approach as needed, you can help create an environment that supports their well-being and fosters growth.

How to know what type of sensory problem your children are experiencing:

 Understanding and detecting sensory issues in your children can be a challenge, but with patience and attention, you can help them lead a more comfortable and happy life. Here are some signs to watch for and examples to illustrate them.

Auditory hypersensitivity: If your child startles or becomes easily distressed by noises that seem normal or even soft to you, such as the phone ringing or the sound of a vacuum cleaner, they may be experiencing auditory hypersensitivity.

Auditory hyposensitivity: In contrast, if your child seems not to react to loud noises or doesn’t respond when called by their name, they could be experiencing auditory hyposensitivity.

Tactile hypersensitivity: If your child resists certain types of clothing, such as tags on garments or rough fabrics, or shows discomfort when touched, they might have tactile hypersensitivity.

Tactile hyposensitivity: On the other hand, if your child seeks frequent physical contact or seems not to notice minor injuries like scrapes or bruises, they may be experiencing tactile hyposensitivity.

Visual hypersensitivity: If your child is affected by bright, flickering, or flashing lights, or has difficulty focusing in environments with lots of visual stimuli, they may have visual hypersensitivity.

Visual hyposensitivity: Conversely, if your child seems fascinated by spinning objects or flashing lights or has difficulty locating objects in cluttered environments, they might be experiencing visual hyposensitivity.

Gustatory and olfactory hypersensitivity: If your child is very selective with food, preferring meals with specific textures or avoiding foods with intense flavors, or is bothered by smells that others don’t perceive as strong, they could have gustatory and olfactory hypersensitivity.

Gustatory and olfactory hyposensitivity: In contrast, if your child seems not to notice strong odors or seeks extremely spicy or intensely flavored foods, they may be experiencing gustatory and olfactory hyposensitivity.

Sensory overload

Sensory overload is a common phenomenon that can affect autistic individuals. It’s important to understand how it works and how you can help your children cope with and manage it effectively.

Sensory overload occurs when a person experiences a large amount of stimuli at once, and their nervous system cannot process them adequately. This can result in a variety of responses, including anxiety, discomfort, irritability, and in some cases, it can even lead to a meltdown.

Autistic individuals may have difficulty filtering and prioritizing sensory information, which can cause sensory overload even in situations that might seem everyday and manageable to other people. Here are some situations that could trigger sensory overload in your child:

  • Loud or unexpected noises, such as fireworks, alarms, or shouts.
  • Crowds or busy places, like shopping malls, stadiums, or social events.
  • Environments with bright, flickering, or flashing lights, like shopping malls or parties with disco lights.
  • Strong or unpleasant smells, such as intense perfumes, cleaning products, or foods with penetrating odors.
  • Wearing uncomfortable or unpleasant-textured clothing, like rough, tight garments or ones with irritating tags.


To help your child manage sensory overload, here are some strategies that might be useful:

  • Identify the situations and stimuli that typically cause sensory overload in your child and try to avoid or minimize them whenever possible.
  • Establish a safe and comfortable environment at home where your child can retreat when they feel overwhelmed.
  • Provide tools to help your child self-regulate, such as noise-canceling headphones, fidget toys, or weighted blankets.
  • Teach your child relaxation and coping techniques, like deep breathing, visualization, or meditation.
  • Establish open communication and emotional support so your child feels safe expressing their feelings and needs.


Strategies to help your children manage and cope with sensory issues

Helping your children cope with and manage sensory issues can be challenging, but with patience, attention, and adaptation, you can improve their quality of life. Here are some recommendations based on different sensory issues your children may experience:

Auditory hypersensitivity:

  • Provide noise-canceling headphones or earplugs.
  • Minimize loud noises in your home and avoid noisy places whenever possible.
  • Speak in a soft and calm tone of voice.


Auditory hyposensitivity:

  • Use clear and direct language when communicating with your child.
  • Ensure your child has access to pleasant auditory stimuli, such as music or nature sounds.


Tactile hypersensitivity:

  • Choose soft clothing without tags or uncomfortable seams.
  • Be mindful when touching your child and ask them about their preferences regarding physical contact.
  • Try to avoid activities that involve unpleasant textures for your child.


Tactile hyposensitivity:

  • Provide activities that involve different textures and tactile sensations, such as playdough, massage, or brush therapy.
  • Encourage safe and appropriate physical contact, such as hugs and gentle caresses.


Visual hypersensitivity:

  • Adjust the lighting in your home to be soft and uniform.
  • Avoid flickering or flashing lights and reduce visual clutter in your environment.
  • Provide sunglasses or hats with a visor to protect your child’s eyes outdoors.


Visual hyposensitivity:

  • Encourage your child to participate in visually interesting activities, such as puzzles, painting, or construction games.
  • Stimulate visual tracking and eye-hand coordination with activities like throwing and catching a ball.


Gustatory and olfactory hypersensitivity:

  • Introduce new foods gradually, respecting your child’s texture and flavor preferences.
  • Avoid cooking or using products with strong odors in your home.
  • Use dishes and kitchen utensils without residual odors or flavors.


Gustatory and olfactory hyposensitivity:

  • Offer a variety of flavors and textures in meals, as long as it’s safe and healthy.
  • Encourage the use of spices and condiments to satisfy the need for intense flavors.


Remember that each autistic person is unique, and their needs may vary. The best way to help your children is by observing, listening, and adapting to their specific needs. Maintain open communication and seek support from professionals specialized in autism treatment and occupational therapies, who can provide additional resources and personalized guidan

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