“The Mystery of the Six Keys” is a story about Max, a 10-year-old boy who, despite his love for reading and building with Legos, finds it difficult to talk to other children. Upon discovering a magical book that promises to grant a wish to the finder, Max embarks on an adventure to improve his conversational skills. Through solving six riddles given by a wise dragon, each focused on a different aspect (when, where, why, who, which, how), Max learns about the importance of asking the right questions and discovers that the true treasure is the wisdom gained in the process. The story teaches the value of curiosity, the courage to ask questions, and how these can help to understand the world and improve communication with others.
After the story, children are invited to reflect on questions related to Max’s adventure and participate in a game that reinforces the use of the key words (when, where, why, who, which, how) to solve clues and find a hidden treasure. This approach promotes language skills, critical thinking, cooperation, and active listening, especially useful for autistic children and to encourage understanding and conversation in general.
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