Stories with Shoes: Learning to Connect with Others. (Activity Worksheets For Teaching Social and Emotional Skills To Autistic Children)


“Learning to Connect with Others” is an educational material designed to teach social skills to autistic children, with the primary goal of helping them understand and connect with the emotions and perspectives of others. Through this resource, children will learn about the importance of establishing deep relationships, communicating effectively, resolving conflicts, personal growth, and succeeding in the working world. Practical techniques such as active listening, observing body language, and practicing empathy are offered. Additionally, an interactive activity titled “Stories with Shoes” is introduced, where various pairs of shoes and story cards are used to help children “walk in someone else’s shoes,” thereby fostering empathy and understanding. The stories encompass a wide range of emotions and situations, from a passion for ballet to the loneliness of an elderly woman, providing children with a diverse insight into human experiences.


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