Comments and follow-up questions, showing empathy and contributing more information to the conversation. (Worksheets To Teach Conversations Skills To Autistic Children)


This material is designed to help autistic children develop their conversation skills. Through the use of the ball game metaphor, key conversation concepts are explained, such as making comments and follow-up questions, showing empathy, and adding new information. In this process, the child is encouraged to understand conversation as a reciprocal exchange of ideas and emotions.

A detailed guide is provided for parents and educators on how to explain and demonstrate these concepts. In addition, the importance of empathy in conversation is emphasized. Children are encouraged to try to understand how the other person is feeling and to respond compassionately.

This material also includes practical activities, such as simulating conversations and filming them for later analysis. Examples of conversations are provided that parents or educators can use as a guide. Through these activities, children can practice and improve their conversation skills in a safe and supportive environment.


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