Conversation Skills

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The conversation skills

The conversation skills of autistic individuals can vary widely, as autism is a spectrum and each person has their own unique characteristics and abilities. However, some autistic people may experience difficulties or peculiarities in communication and social interaction. Here are some common features of conversation skills in autistic individuals:


  1. Difficulty initiating or maintaining a conversation: Some autistic people may struggle to start a conversation with others or keep it going, especially if the topic is not of interest to them.
  2. Issues with eye contact: Many autistic individuals may feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed maintaining eye contact during a conversation, which can be misinterpreted as disinterest or inattention.
  3. Lack of understanding of social norms: Autistic people may have trouble understanding the unwritten rules of communication, such as using facial expressions, body language, and appropriate tone of voice.
  4. Difficulty interpreting social cues: They may have trouble reading and interpreting the emotions and intentions of others, which can lead to misunderstandings or inappropriate responses during a conversation.
  5. Speaking in a monotone or unexpressive manner: Some autistic individuals may speak with a monotone or unvarying tone of voice, which can make them sound unenthusiastic or emotionless.
  6. Taking things literally: Autistic people often struggle to understand humor, metaphors, and idiomatic expressions, which can lead to confusion or misunderstandings in a conversation.
  7. Restricted and repetitive interests: Autistic individuals may have intense and specific interests in certain topics and can talk about these topics extensively, which can be challenging for others to follow or maintain interest in.
  8. Trouble taking turns in conversation: Some autistic people may have difficulty recognizing when it is their turn to speak or listen, which can result in frequent interruptions or monopolizing the conversation.
  9. Echolalia: Some autistic individuals may repeat words or phrases they have heard, either immediately after hearing them or at a later time. This can hinder effective communication in a conversation.
  10. Issues with nonverbal communication: Autistic people may struggle to use or interpret gestures, facial expressions, and body language in a conversation.


It’s important to remember that each autistic person is unique and may have different abilities and challenges in communication. Understanding, patience, and support are key to facilitating effective communication and fostering positive relationships with autistic individuals.

Importance of teaching children to have conversations

Teaching autistic children to have conversations is essential for several reasons. These communication skills can have a significant impact on their well-being and quality of life as they grow and develop.


  • The ability to hold conversations helps autistic children establish relationships and interact with their peers, family members, and community members. Social inclusion is a crucial aspect of the emotional and mental well-being of any individual.
  • Learning communication skills allows autistic children to express their needs, desires, and emotions clearly and effectively. This enables them to advocate for themselves and ensure their needs are met.
  • Mastering conversational skills can boost self-esteem and confidence in autistic children, as it allows them to communicate effectively and feel more independent.
  • The ability to communicate effectively can improve academic performance and cognitive development in autistic children. Being able to engage in conversations with educators and classmates facilitates the learning process and the acquisition of new knowledge.
  • Autistic children may experience anxiety and stress if they have difficulties communicating. Improving their conversational skills enables them to handle these situations more easily and reduces the likelihood of experiencing distress.
  • Developing strong communication skills is essential for success in adulthood, both personally and professionally. Autistic children who learn to communicate effectively are more likely to thrive in school, work, and in their personal relationships.


Teaching autistic children to have conversations requires specialized approaches and adaptations to their specific needs. Educators and parents should work together to provide a comprehensive learning environment and support the development of communication skills in autistic children.


How to teach children to have conversations

Teaching autistic children and young people to have conversations with others can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some strategies and tips for facilitating the development of conversational skills in autistic children and young people:


  • Every individual with autism is unique, so it is important to assess their communication skills, interests, and specific needs. This will help to personalize the teaching approach and adapt it to the characteristics of each child.
  • Identify specific and realistic communication goals, such as learning to greet, ask for help, or express feelings. Develop an action plan to address these goals systematically and in a structured manner.
  • Autistic children tend to be visual learners. Using images, symbols, pictograms, or image-based communication systems like PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) can be helpful in teaching concepts and communication skills.
  • Provide clear examples of how to maintain a conversation through modeling social interactions and practicing role-playing. This will give autistic children the opportunity to observe, imitate, and practice conversational skills in a safe and structured environment.
  • Break down conversational skills into smaller, manageable components. Teach each step individually before moving on to the next. For example, you can start by teaching eye contact, then greeting, and finally asking questions and giving answers.
  • Use praise, rewards, and positive reinforcement to motivate and encourage autistic children during the learning process. Celebrate their achievements and progress, no matter how small.
  • Ensure that educators, parents, and classmates are informed and understanding of the autistic child’s needs. An inclusive and supportive environment is essential for success in developing conversational skills.
  • Offer regular and structured opportunities for autistic children to practice their conversational skills, both in one-on-one situations and in small groups. The more practice they have, the more comfortable they will feel when communicating with others.
  • Consider involving specialized professionals in communication therapies, such as speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, or behavioral intervention specialists, who can provide additional support and guidance.


It may take time and effort. Be patient and persistent, adapting the approach as necessary and celebrating achievements along the way.


Remember that each child with autism is different and that progress may vary. It is crucial to maintain a positive attitude and focus on the unique strengths and abilities of each individual. Effective communication is a process that develops over time, and the ongoing support and commitment of educators, parents, and professionals can make a big difference in the lives of autistic children and young people. Keep communication open with all parties involved and continue to seek new opportunities and strategies to foster the development of conversational skills.

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