A Trip to Colombia. (Activity To Practice Reading Comprehension And Social Skills For Autistic Children)


This educational material, inspired by “A Trip to Colombia,” is designed to assist children with autism in developing their reading comprehension and social conversation skills. Through the story of Deryk’s journey to Colombia to visit his grandparents, children are encouraged to engage with the text on multiple levels. The material includes specific questions that focus on understanding the plot, identifying emotional responses, and recalling details, which are crucial for enhancing narrative skills. Additionally, the proposed role-playing games based on the story’s scenarios provide a structured yet flexible framework for practicing social interactions and conversational skills. These activities allow children to explore different social roles and express emotions in a controlled setting, which can be particularly beneficial for those with autism. By taking on roles such as Deryk or his grandparents and re-enacting parts of the story, children can practice articulating their thoughts, asking questions, and responding appropriately in social contexts. Overall, this approach not only reinforces the content of the story but also helps in the development of vital social communication skills. By integrating reading comprehension with interactive role-play, the material offers a comprehensive tool for educators and parents to aid in the social and educational development of children with autism.


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