Talk about common interests with another person. (Worksheets To Teach Conversations Skills To Autistic Children)


This material is a valuable tool to help children with autism improve their conversation skills. The focus is on talking about common interests, that is, things that both you and the other person like or enjoy.

It also provides an example of a conversation that reflects how common interests can be discussed. It’s a reminder that conversations are a way to strengthen relationships and create fun shared experiences.

In addition, this material offers practice to help you enhance your conversation skills. It challenges you to think about interest-related questions you can ask people in your life and provides guidelines on how to start a conversation, how to find the right time to talk, how to take turns to speak and listen, how to use an appropriate tone of voice, and what to do if the other person seems bored.

This material is a practical and accessible guide that can make the task of initiating and maintaining conversations less intimidating and more manageable for children.


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